Legal History of South East Europe

Completed Project

For some long time now, the Institute has been researching the legal history of South East Europe, commencing in the 1970s with a study of Byzantine legal sources. Since then, this research field has been steadily developed with the publication of the "Handbuch der Quellen und Literatur der neueren europäischen Privatrechtsgeschichte” (the Handbook of sources and literature on the modern history of European private law), the third volume of which is devoted to South East Europe, as well as other research projects centred on Eastern Europe. The focus is now being broadened to include the legal history of the post-Ottoman period.

The past and present history of South East Europe attracts research interest and methods of various kinds. A national view of history in this region is increasingly giving way to comparativism, cultural history, historical anthropology, histoire croisée, transfer studies, etc. that call into question any kind of national exclusivity or emphasis, and highlight the historical concurrence of cultural identities. In an approach that draws on interdisciplinary aspects and methods, the Institute is studying the formation of national legal systems in the countries of South East Europe that have emerged from the Ottoman Empire. One important area of emphasis is on the Ottoman history of the region, which has thus far gone largely unnoticed by legal historians, nationally and internationally. We are investigating both the specific features and significance of the largely Islamic legal and governmental model deployed in the Ottoman Empire, as well as the coexistence of various religious and ethnic communities in the region.

The time frame encompasses the 18th, 19th and the first half of the 20th centuries. This is the first time that the evolution of modern legal systems in South East Europe has been studied as a historical process in which a variety of factors find themselves in complex interaction, including the structural preconditions, forms and resulting consequences. In the foreground we pose a general question: How is it possible for imported law to function in a culturally and structurally varying social context? In South East Europe the transfer of law became the driving force behind an accelerated policy of modernisation, which was intended to lift both the crumbling Ottoman Empire, as well as the individual emergent states up to the level of Western Europe. The route lay through state, constitution, legislation and law. The law was seen as a necessary, if ill-fitting, straightjacket that was intended to bring the still largely socially-, religiously- and ethnically-composed societies of that time in South East Europe into line and up to date.

Research teams

I. Turkey

Team coordinator

Prof. Dr. Fikret Adanir, Sabanci Universität, Istanbul
Die Lage des Rechts im Osmanischen Reich auf dem Balkan im 18./19. Jahrhundert

Prof. Dr. Rossitza Gradeva, American University in Bulgaria, Blagoevgrad
Der Status von Nicht-Muslimen in Osmanischen Reich
Polynormativität im Osmanischen Reich. Scharia-Recht und christliches Recht

Team member

Dr. Alp Yücel Kaya, Istanbul Technical University
The reorganisation of the Ottoman legal administration in the Balkans in the
19th century: the formation of local administrative councils and the
emergence of new social actors

Dr. Yücel Terzibasioglu, Bogaziçi University, Istanbul
The dynamics of the Ottoman court system in the 19th century Ottoman
Balkans: the implementation of new rules for land and criminal law

Sinan Kuneralp, Isis Press Istanbul
Double Standards: I may but you should not or how the Sublime Porte succeeded in turning the capitulations into a sign of sovereignty

Dr. Eliana Augusti, Universität Lecce, Italien
From Empire to States: Religion, Rule & European Support to Post-Ottoman Nationalism in the 19th century

II. Greece

Team coordinator

Prof. Dr. Theodora Antoniou, Universität Athen
Verfassungsgeschichte, -theorie, verfassungsrechtliche und politische Institutionen in Griechenland am Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts

Team member

Dr. Ivi-Angeliki Mavromoustaku, Universität Kreta
Histoire et théorie constitutionnelle au XIXe siècle hellénique. Tendances et influences

Prof. Dr. Dimitrios Tsikrikas, Universität Athen
Die Formierung des Zivilprozessrechts in Griechenland im 19. Jahrhundert

Dr. Georgios Triantafyllou, Universität Athen
Die Formierung des Strafrechts in Griechenland

Dr. Dimitra Papadopoulou-Klamari, Universität Athen
Die Entwicklung des Zivilrechts in Griechenland seit der griechischen Revolution gegen das Osmanische Reich

Styliani-Eirini Vetsika, LLM, Universität Athen
Die Modernisierung Griechenlands im 20. Jahrhundert am Beispiel der Gesetzgebung unter Eleftherios Venizelos

III. Romania

Team coordinator

Dr. Oana Ritzescu, Universität Bukarest
Linguistic patterns and judicial practices. The evolution of Romanian juridical language, from traditional customs to modern laws
The emergence of the magistrate. A perspective on the professionalization of the juridical personnel in Romanian society

Team member

Dr. Bogdan Iancu, Universität Bukarest
Constitutionalism between Transplant and Irritation: The Case of XIX-Century Romanian Modernization

Dr. Manuel Gutan, Lucian Blaga Universität, Sibiu
Legal Transplant as a Socio-Cultural Engeneering in Modern Romania

Andreea-Roxana Iancu, EHESS, Paris, Universität Bukarest
Fiction juridique, individue et propriété ou la mise en place d’une tension: coutume vs. droit écrit (fin du XVIIIe et prémière moitié du XIX siècle)
Vers la synthèse d’une système pluriel de droit: initiatives legislatives des princes phanariotes et pratiques juridiques en matière
civile (Valachie et Moldavie, fin du XVIIIe – début du XIXe siècle)

Dr. Andrei Florin Sora, EHESS, Paris, Universität Bukarest
The evolution of the Romanian Penal Law, from XVIIIth century until 1916

Paul Vasilescu, Universität Cluj Napoca
L’évolution de la propriété: le cas du droit roumain moderne

Dr. Catalin Turliuc, “A. D. Xenopol” Institut für Geschichte, Jassi
Constitutional law as a political programme in Romania, second half of 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries

IV. Bulgaria

Team coordinator

Dr. Jani Kirov , Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt
Die Reorganisation des Gerichtswesens im neuen bulgarischen Staat

Team member

Prof. Dr. Ivo Christov, Universität Plovdiv
Rechtssoziologische Aspekte des Rechtstransfers in Bulgarien

Prof. Dr. Nadja Danova, Bulgarische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Sofia
Die neue Sprache des Rechts. Die Formierung der Rechtsterminologie in Bulgarien

Dr. Martin Belov, St. Kliment-Ohridski Universität, Sofia
Die Etablierung moderner Verfassungsprinzipien in Bulgarien. Die Turnovo-Verfassung von 1879

Dr. Ralitza Kostadinova, Neue Bulgarische Universität, Sofia
Die Formierung des Strafrechts in Bulgarien nach 1878

Dr. Svetla Baloutzova, St. Kliment-Ohridski Universität, Sofia
Das Recht im Dienste gesellschaftlicher Steuerung am Beispiel des Familien- und Erbrechts

Dr. Teodora Purveva, Brüssel
Die Implementierung westlicher Prinzipien im Gerichtswesen des neuen bulgarischen Staates

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