Solórzano übersetzen


This is a research project to produce an authoritative edition, translation, and study of the second volume of Juan de Solórzano Pereira’s De Indiarum Iure (De gubernatione), published in 1639. Solórzano's writings are key sources for historians of derecho indiano, Latin America, and early modern history more broadly, but a translation and authoritative edition of this key work has been lacking.

The aim of this project is to make De gubernatione much more accessible not only by translating it, but also by collaborating with a group of researchers from different backgrounds to produce a study of the text. As the project develops, there will be a colloquium and the resulting collection of essays will accompany the edition. This will help bring Solórzano to a broader range of scholars and stimulate the debate about how this text can be read and used.

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