
Raum: Vortragssaal des MPI

The Law of the Sea: Oceans, Ships, and the Anthropocene

Frankfurter Rechtshistorische Abendgespräche

Legal Change and Institutionalism

Glocalizing Normativities Research Colloquium

Normative Strukturen der industriellen Beziehungen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert


Conference: Digital Methods and Resources in Legal History - cancelled!


"Collaboration, Control and Conflict in the Administration of Criminal Justice in Comparative Perspective: Buenos Aires and Minas Gerais during the Late Colonial Period"

Research Colloquium on Global Legal History

Forschungskolloquium: "Between Roças and Palhotas: Colonial exploitation in Portuguese Africa, 1850-1930"


Gastvortrag: Missing Pieces in the Legal History of the 19th- and 20th-century East Asia

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