

Die drei Abteilungen veranstalten regelmäßig Forschungsseminare mit thematischen Schwerpunkten. Dort stellen sie aktuelle Forschungsthemen vor und diskutieren die Ergebnisse. Fast alle diese Seminare können von den Studierenden der Goethe Universität oder Justus-Liebig-Universität besucht werden. 


Ort: Videokonferenz

Derechos Indigenas: concreción local del derecho internacional

Seminario Permanente

Confrontando o bem comum: Saúde pública, reformas urbanas e direito no Brasil moderno

Seminario Permanente

Pensando la esclavitud y el proceso de abolición en Argentina de la historia del derecho

Seminario Permanente

'An end to their days': The Use and Perceptions of the Red Water Ordeal in Early Sierra Leone

African Legal History Seminar

La justicia episcopal en la antigua diócesis del Tucumán (1704-1740)

Seminario Permanente

The Limits of Legal History

MPI-TAU Transnational Legal History Workshop

Decolonization by Codification: The Making of the 1958 Penal Code in Late Colonial Nigeria

MPI-TAU Transnational Legal History Workshop

The Society of Comparative Legislation and the Systemization of Legal Circulation

MPI-TAU Transnational Legal History Workshop

Nationality Across the Mediterranean: Jews, Islamic Law, and Belonging in Tunisia

MPI-TAU Transnational Legal History Workshop

Transnational Elements in Colonial Laws: Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands

MPI-TAU Transnational Legal History Workshop

Rabbinic Responsa and Legal Communication

MPI-TAU Transnational Legal History Workshop

Global History and a Decentered History of Law

MPI-TAU Transnational Legal History Workshop

Global Legal Biography

MPI-TAU Transnational Legal History Workshop

Transnational Entanglements in Land Law and Land Registration in the 19th Century

MPI-TAU Transnational Legal History Workshop

The Warfare Origins of the Anti-Slave-Trade Legal Regime in the Atlantic World

MPI-TAU Transnational Legal History Workshop

From Masters of Slaves to Lords of Lands: The Transformation of Ownership in the Western World

MPI-TAU Transnational Legal History Workshop

Codification as Communication: Criminal Law Reform and the Indian Penal Code of 1861

Common Law Research Seminar

Contractus & quasi contractus


Patents and Invention in Jamaica and the British Atlantic before 1857

Common Law Research Seminar

Commentaries De iustitia et iure in early modern New Kingdom of Granada


Empire Ltd.: Law and the Rise of Multinationals in the First Era of Globalization.

Common Law Research Seminar

Law and Commerce: The Fortunate Crisis of the 18th Century

Common Law Research Seminar



The School of Salamanca on Slavery: from ius gentium to ius civile

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