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Series of Seminars

Seminario “Normatividades e instituciones eclesiásticas en Ibero-América. Siglos XVI-XIX”


International Conferences and Seminars


Alfons Aragoneses (Barcelona): Sefarad within Spanish contemporary history. A legal perspective.

01. December 2015

Raja Sakrani (Bonn): The Three Cultures. Living together in Al-Andalus

24. November 2015

Workshop: ”Violent political conflicts and legal responses: a transatlantic perspective (18th to early 19th century)“

21.-23. October 2015

Workshop: Argumentación jurídica en el Derecho Constitucional.
Diálogos metodológicos con la Historia del Derecho

16. October 2015, 14:00-18:00

Jour Fixe: The vitality of the polycentric model of shared sovereignty in Early Modern Europe

21. September 2015, 12:00-13:00

Meeting: Cultural Diversity and the Law - First Peruvian-German Exchange

31. August - 04. September 2015, Berlin, Halle (Saale) and Frankfurt am Main (Programme in PDF)

Jour Fixe: Moriscos and Indios in the Christian Kingdoms of Spain: Autonomy, Assimilation, and Law in the Sixteenth Century

20. July 2015, 12:00-13:00

Seminar: History of the Legal-Criminal System in Latin America.
Historical and conceptual approach

13.-14. July 2015

Gastvortrag: "Los peninsulares exiliados en Río de Janeiro durante el proceso de Independencia del Perú (1821-1824)"

25. June 2015, 16:00

Verwaltung des Glaubens – Verwaltung der Welt / Governo della fede – Governo del mondo
Interdisziplinärer Doktorandenworkshop / Workshop internazionale per dottorandi

01. June 2015, Rome

Frankfurter Rechtshistorische Abendgespräche: Konventionen, Koordination und Konflikt: Handelsjustiz in Brasilien in der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts

15. April 2015, 18:00

Seminario Diversidad Cultural y Justicia en América Latina: perspectivas histórico-jurídicas

08.-09. April 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Seminario Circulación, traslación y adaptación de saberes jurídicos en Europa y América (siglos XIX-XX). Aproximaciones conceptuales

30.-31. March 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Ringvorlesung, Javier Fernández Sebastián: Translating political vocabularies in the Iberian Atlantic. Historical semantics & conceptual transfers

20. January 2015, 18:00


Grupo de discusión: El individuo como protagonista de la construcción del horizonte normativo entre Viejo y Nuevo Mundo (siglos XV-XVIII). Segundo seminario de discusión

07.-08. November 2014, Frankfurt am Main

Evening lecture: Malleable Normativity: Town Design, Town Government and Musical Practice in the Jesuit Missions of South America

15. Septemer 2014, 18 h

Jour Fixe: European Virtues, American Republics: An intellectual history of social difference in the making of the Gran Colombian republics (1770-1870)

25. August 2014

Presente y pasado del derecho penal argentino. Bases para un nuevo código penal

24. June 2014, 18:00 c.t.-20:00

Jour Fixe: EuroAmerican Nineteenth Century Writers of International Legal History: A View of the Works of Carlos Calvo (1824-1906) and Rafael M. de Labra Cadrana (1840-1918)

23. June 2014

International Graduate School for Legal Historical Research

10.-14. February 2014


Seminar: History, Local Power, and Territory: Primordial Titles of Pueblos in the Mixteca Alta (Oaxaca, Mexico) 1890-2013

27. November 2013

Ethelia Ruiz Medrano (Mexico City): Mexico ́s  Indigenous  Communities. Political  and  Justice  Negotiation with Colonial and National State, 1530-1900

26. November 2013

International LOEWE-Workshop: Rights, Justice, Cultural Diversity: Dynamics of Legal Protection in Times of Transition

25.-26. November 2013

Seminario per la presentazione del Max-Planck-Research Group “Il governo della Chiesa universale dopo il Concilio di Trento.”

16. November 2013

El individuo como protagonista de la construcción del horizonte normativo entre Viejo y Nuevo Mundo (siglos XV-XVIII). Primer seminario de discusión

02. October 2013, Trent

Seminario Permanente: "El Juzgado General de los Indios de Yucatan (siglos XVI-XVII): Fundamentos teóricos y aplicaciones prácticas"

16. September 2013


Lecture: Roma communis patria

10. December 2012

Workshop: Siete Partidas

15. November 2012

Lecture: A Documentary History of Papacy

12. November 2012

Workshop: Aportes de los archivos eclesiásticos para la historia hispanoamericana Siglos XVI-XVIII

23. July 2012

Conference „Derecho Privado y Modernización en América Latina y Europa en la primera mitad del siglo XX“

04.-06. July in Buenos Aires

Conference: “Nuevos horizontes en el Estudio del Derecho Indiano - Un balance a partir de la obra de Victor Tau Anzoátegui”

24.-26. June 2012 in Berlin

Lecture: Cádiz y América

23. April 2012


Workshop: The inquisitorial justice: general rules and local practices. A view on the new world.

05. December 2011

German Argentinian Brasilian Graduate School

25.-28. April 2011

Workshop: The Collectio Thessalonicensis and the right of the bishop of Rome

14.-15. April 2011

Vortrag: Religious orders, teaching and doctrinal orthodoxy at the frontiers of Catholicism. The Congregation of Bishops and Regulars and a conflict between Jesuits and Dominicans in colonial Spanish America (second half of the 17th century)

28. March 2011

Vortrag: International Law in a World of Empires: Constructing a Global Prohibition Regime in the Long Nineteenth Century

07. March 2011


Vortrag: The Vatican Secret Archives and their historical heritage

22. November 2010

Tagung: Experiencias jurídicas entre América Latina y Europa

10.-12. November 2010

Vortrag: Tercer Concilio de México (1585). Los nuevos aportes a la investigación gracias a la edición crítica. Dos casos prácticos

14. June 2010

Vortrag: Wie regiert man eine globale Organisation in der Frühen Neuzeit? Konzeption und Realität der Ordensverwaltung des Jesuitenordens (1540-1773)

03. May 2010

Vortrag: Estados republicanos y tierra indígenas: La experiencia andina del siglo XIX

18. January 2010

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